Adults Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Programs
Adults Classes
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) classes are suitable for both men and women of all levels from 14 years of age and above. Classes start with a skill based warm up before moving through several techniques. The class then moves on to live rolling. All while supervised by our qualified and experienced instructors.
The Grappling Lab Jiu Jitsu Prestons’ instructors are always on hand throughout the classes. They aim to ensure each student receives the tuition and guidance they need.
Our instructors work hard to ensure a friendly and safe environment for all. Our goal is to make sure everyone is comfortable on our mats.
No matter what your martial arts goals are we aim to cater for all. From beginners looking to learn new skills. All the way through to students who want to focus on competitions.
Gi Classes
Gi Jiu Jitsu is grappling with the use of a traditional Gi. This allows you to grab the clothing of your opponent. This is a key difference between Gi and No Gi.
Training in the Gi allows for a big variety of takedowns, submissions and controls. This makes Gi training very rewarding and challenging.
Gi classes are available for both beginners and experienced students.
No Gi Classes
These classes are like Gi classes but participants wear a rashie or T shirt and shorts. A key difference between Gi and No Gi is that No Gi does not allow for grabbing of clothing. Making it harder to control and submit your opponent.
No Gi classes are available for both beginner and intermediate students.
In these classes students will learn;
- Self-defence techniques such as counter attacks to kicks and punches
- Takedowns
- Escapes
- Submissions
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced students.
Fundamentals Classes
The most important class on the timetable without a doubt. It is critical that beginners in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu understand the fundamentals of the sport.
Fundamentals are the most important and effective techniques. They are vital in both competition and self-defence training scenarios.
Our fundamentals program incorporates:
- Warm up drills to help develop skills and fitness
- Self-defence techniques against kicks, punches and headlocks
- Effective escapes from an attacker
- Takedowns
- Submissions
General Classes
Our general classes are better suited to more experienced student. Those with A year or so of training under their belt. These classes teach more advanced BJJ techniques and concepts. These classes allow the student to start develop their own style of Jiu Jitsu.
Open Mats
Our scheduled open mats give students an opportunity to gain experience on the mats. They run for an hour and are divided into 5-minute rounds with a 1-minute rest. These sessions are great for experimenting with new techniques and for building fitness. Open mats are always supervised by our instructors.