BJJ for Women: Empowerment, Fitness, and Self-Defense

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bjj at the grappling lab in prestons nsw

Hey ladies! My name is Sarah and I’m a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student at The Grappling Lab in Prestons. I wanted to share my experiences with BJJ and why I think it’s such an amazing activity for us women.

A Bit About Me

I still remember my first BJJ class – I was so nervous! I didn’t know what to expect and was worried I wouldn’t be any good. But the environment at The Grappling Lab was so welcoming and supportive. The other women made me feel right at home and were happy to guide me through the basics.

Now, after training for almost a year, I’m a four-stripe white belt who absolutely loves BJJ. I find it so empowering to learn practical self-defense skills and get an amazing workout in at the same time. The confidence I’ve gained on the mats transfers over into my daily life as well.

Why Try BJJ?

There are so many great reasons for women to give BJJ a go:

Learn to Defend Yourself

Let’s be honest, as women we have to be aware of our personal safety at times. BJJ teaches techniques like escapes, sweeps and submissions that we can use if we ever need to defend ourselves. I feel so much more confident knowing I have these skills.

The best part is BJJ works for all body types and levels of strength. With proper technique, you can generate enough power and leverage to control an opponent who’s larger and stronger than you.

Get Strong and Fit

Talk about a full body workout! Grappling involves every muscle group – you’ll build strength in your arms, shoulders, core, glutes, back and legs. Just a few classes and you’ll really start to feel it.

Not only do you build muscle, but BJJ is an amazing calorie burner. Rolling and drilling techniques with a partner gets your heart pumping for sure. I always leave class dripping in sweat but feeling great.

And because we do so much bodyweight training and ground work, BJJ dramatically improves flexibility. Over time, you’ll find your joints and muscles much looser.

Boost Confidence

Learning any new skill takes courage, especially one as hands-on as BJJ. As you become more comfortable with the techniques and start applying them while rolling, you’ll gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.

I’ve seen this happen for so many of our female students. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of throwing a larger opponent to the ground for the first time!

The confidence you build on the mats will spill over into your daily life. You’ll walk taller, believe in yourself more, and have an inner strength.

Find Community & Camaraderie

BJJ attracts wonderful people from all walks of life who support and encourage each other. As a woman, having other females to train with makes a huge difference in feeling welcomed.

At The Grappling Lab, we foster a culture of teamwork and inclusion. Students help each other improve techniques, give tips, and cheer each other on. Lifelong friendships are made on the mats!

Having great training partners and a community around you will keep you motivated to keep learning.

Concerns New Female Students Have

I totally understand if you’re feeling hesitant about starting BJJ as a beginner. I had all of these thoughts myself at first! Here are some common concerns and why you don’t need to worry:

“I’m not strong enough yet”

You absolutely do not need to be fit or strong to begin BJJ. In fact, it’s one of the most beginner-friendly martial arts since technique trumps strength.

We’ll start you off slowly with the basics and you’ll build strength over time. The advanced students will adjust their game to your level as well.

“I don’t know if I’ll be any good”

Every single student, male or female, started as a beginner! No one expects you to know anything starting out.

With regular practice, you’ll pick up techniques quickly. It’s so rewarding to see your skills improve week to week. Just focus on your own development rather than comparing yourself to others.

“It seems kinda rough and aggressive”

BJJ looks really physical and intense from the outside. But it’s actually a very controlled sport once you experience it.

Safety is our number one priority. We drill techniques slowly and use only a reasonable level of resistance while sparring.

You’ll never be pressured to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. Just let your partner or instructor know if you need to ease up!

“I’m worried I won’t fit in”

As a female, walking into a male-dominated environment can feel intimidating. But I promise you’ll be welcomed with open arms at our academy.

You can choose to partner with women or men. Everyone is super friendly and supportive of all students. You might even make some new best friends!

What to Expect as a New Student

If you’re ready to take the plunge into the wonderful world of BJJ, here’s a quick rundown of what to expect:

  • All levels and experience are welcome – absolutely no judgy vibes!
  • Class starts with a warm-up to get the blood flowing and prevent injuries. This can be anything from shrimping to jogging.
  • You learn a specific technique or two each session. The instructor will demo then you’ll drill with a partner.
  • Towards the end of class is live rolling, where you spar with a partner and try to apply techniques.
  • There are separate beginner levels so you’ll train with others around your experience level.
  • We have loaner gis (BJJ uniforms) so you don’t need to purchase one right away.
  • Changing rooms are available onsite and you can freshen up after your workout.
  • Our culture emphasises safety, controlled training, and mutual growth.
  • Stick around after class and make some new friends!

Ready to Give BJJ a Go?

I hope this post helped show what an amazing activity BJJ is for us ladies! It’s truly empowering on so many levels, whether you want to learn self-defense, get in shape, or make new friends.

We’d love for you to stop by The Grappling Lab in Prestons and try a complimentary beginner class. You’ll see firsthand how welcoming and supportive our academy is.

Hope to see you on the mats soon!
